Jun 7, 2011

Directory Category: News & Magazine Sites

If you are a regular reader of the biased mainstream news then you may be somewhat brainwashed. To escape from the media "matrix", we suggest you have a good read of the sites below.

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A-Z Links

June 07th, 2011
An A-Z of fantastic links to help you get informed and get active.

English-language site for the Qatar-based news service.

AlterNet.org is a project of the Independent Media Institute, a nonprofit rganization dedicated to strengthening and supporting independent and alternative journalism. AlterNet’s online magazine provides a mix of news, opinion and investigative journalism on subjects ranging from the environment, the drug war, technology and cultural trends to policy debate, sexual politics and health issues.

The Australian Centre for Independent Journalism (ACIJ) is fully committed to the principle that democratic societies require independent, critical and investigative journalism of the highest standard.

The Activist
Encouraging active participation in political and economic issues: globalisation, Western economic imperialism, oppression, injustice.

Appeals Worldwide
Appeals Worldwide specializes in producing appeals letters based on Amnesty International cases, for you to send to the authorities in the countries concerned. No two letters that we produce are identically worded, and you can further adapt them to your own requirements. Never before has it been so easy to act on behalf of human rights victims.

Antony Loewenstein
Antony Loewenstein is a Sydney-based freelance journalist, author and blogger. His book on the Israel/Palestine conflict, My Israel Question, is released by Melbourne University Publishing in 2006.

Arab Media Watch
AMW was set up to tackle a proliferation of traditional bias, ignorance and misunderstanding in the British media regarding Arab issues. The need to restore a measure of balance to its coverage is as urgent as ever in view of the power of the media to shape and influence public opinion.

Black Rhinoceros
The largest directory on the Net of environmental actions in the areas of Biodiversity, Conservation, Energy, Environmental Justice, Habitat and Pollution.

Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom (UK)
The Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom is an independent voice for media reform working to promote policies for a diverse, democratic and accountable media. They campaign for a media which is more accountable to the people it is meant to serve; the breakup of media concentration to promote greater media diversity; rights of citizens to redress for unfair coverage; and rights of journalists to report freely. Membership is made up of individuals who care about the media and democracy, and affiliated organisations. These include national trade unions, local trade union and Labour Party branches as well as media, cultural and educational organisations.

The Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom (Canada)
The Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom represents a common front of readers and viewers, those working in the media industries, and labour and community groups concerned about the increasing concentration of media ownership in Canada.

Chomsky Info
The official archive of articles, speeches and interviews by Noam Chomsky.

ColdType.net publishes e-books, essays, photojournalism and its own 64-page monthly e-magazine, dedicated to ‘Writing Worth Reading From Around The World’. Its many contributors include John Pilger, Chris Hedges, Robert Fisk, Norman Solomon, Ray McGovern, Tom Engelhardt, George Monbiot, Frida Berrigan and many others. The site contains hundreds of high-quality pdf downloads and everything is free.

Common Dreams
US-based site for progressive news and analysis.

Corporate Europe Observatory
CEO is a Amsterdam and Madrid-based research and campaign group targeting the threats to democracy, equity, social justice and the environment posed by the economic and political power of corporations and their lobby groups.

Muckraking US leftist newsletter edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair.

Crisis Forum
Crisis Forum believe that humankind is in serious trouble due to an economic and political system which is destroying our ability to sustain our existence on this planet. Aims are: to bring together committed people from diverse college-based, academic disciplines, as well as independent researchers, to analyse the nature of the crisis in a genuinely holistic way; to put that knowledge to positive use so that ordinary people can apply global knowledge to local contexts; to develop this initiative as an independent research-based ‘centre’ through projects, publications and study programmes.

Dahr Jamail’s Iraq dispatches
News From Inside Iraq. Weary of the overall failure of the US media to accurately report on the realities of the war in Iraq for the Iraqi people and US soldiers, Dahr Jamail went to Iraq to report on the war himself. His dispatches were quickly recognized as an important media resource and he is now writing for the Inter Press Service, The Asia Times and many other outlets. His reports have also been published with The Nation, The Sunday Herald, Islam Online, and the Guardian to name just a few. Dahr’s dispatches and hard news stories have been translated into Polish, German, Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic and Turkish. On the radio, Dahr is a special correspondent for Flashpoints and reports for the BBC, Democracy Now!, and numerous other stations around the globe. Dahr has spent a total of 8 months in occupied Iraq as one of only a few independent US journalists in the country.

Democracy Now!
A daily news and TV programme on over 350 stations pioneering the largest community media cooperation in the US. Hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez.

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, based in the US, has been offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986.

Arms sale monitoring project.

Robert Fisk
Website dedicated to articles by Robert Fisk – Middle East correspondent for the Independent newspaper in the UK.

Foreign Policy in Focus
US journal with many in-depth articles and much analysis of American foreign policy. Working to make the U.S. a more responsible global leader and partner.

Glasgow Media Group
The Group consists mostly of people who have worked in the unit at Glasgow University, plus broadcasters and others who have published with them. The purpose of its work is to promote the development of new methodologies and substantive research in the area of media and communications.

Global Echo
UK-based progressive site with news and current affairs from around the world.

Global Issues
Progressive analysis of “global issues that affect everyone.”

Global Research
The Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) is an independent research and media group of writers, scholars and activists. It is a registered non profit organisation in Quebec, Canada. Their website publishes news articles, commentary, background research and analysis on a broad range of issues, focusing on social, economic, strategic, geopolitical and environmental processes.

Globalvision News Network
“News and information from the inside out.”

Green Books
Publishers of books about the environment, ecology, gardening, organics, conservation and green issues. Publishers of ‘The Compassionate Revolution’ and ‘Free To Be Human’ by David Edwards.

Hacktivismo is a group of international hackers, human rights workers, artists and others who seek to further the goals of human rights through technology.

Hands Off Venezuela!
The Hands Off Venezuela Campaign was established in December 2002 to counter lies and misinformation about the country in the local and international media and to campaign against imperialist intervention by the United States.

Indymedia UK
Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues.

Information Clearing House
“News you won’t find on CNN or Fox (or the BBC).”

International Human Rights Seminar
IHRS is based at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford and organised by students and foward-thinking academics and headed by Dr William Pepper, an International Human Rights Lawyer.

Islam Online (in English)
All the information you need about Islam and its civilizations, the universe and its changes, current affairs and their analyses, and general information and services.

Justice Not Vengeance
Justice Not Vengeance (JNV) is an anti-war group which has developed out of ARROW (Active Resistance to the Roots of War). JNV opposes the US-UK ‘war on terrorism’, and campaigns for a peaceful resolution of international conflicts, based on justice and equality.” Includes excellent media reviews and other articles by Milan Rai.

Media Alliance
Media Alliance is a 25-year-old nonprofit training and resource center for media workers, community organizations, and political activists. Our mission is excellence, ethics, diversity, and accountability in all aspects of the media in the interests of peace, justice, and social responsibility.

MediaChannel is a media issues supersite, featuring criticism, breaking news, and investigative reporting from hundreds of organizations worldwide. As the media watch the world, we watch the media.” Includes link to ‘News Dissector’ blog by Danny Schechter.

MediaLens is a response based on the conviction that mainstream newspapers and broadcasters provide a profoundly distorted picture of our world. MediaLens are convinced that the increasingly centralised, corporate nature of the media means that it acts as a de facto propaganda system for corporate and other establishment interests. The costs incurred as a result of this propaganda, in terms of human suffering and environmental degradation, are incalculable. MediaLens hope that this website will help to turn bystanders into compassionate actors.

Media Studies
The purpose of MediaStudies.com is to help advance research and education in media studies and critical thinking. The site serves as a hub – providing links to educational guidelines, global news outlets and other resources for media educators, students, researchers, and the wider community.

The Middle East Research and Information Project
In the words of French journalist Eric Rouleau, “No person, specializing or not in Middle Eastern affairs, can afford ignoring Middle East Report.” Professor Rashid Khalidi, a leading American scholar, says “Middle East Report is the best periodical (in English) on the Middle East — bar none.”

Morning Star
The only socialist daily newspaper in the English language worldwide.

News Alternative
Access to a diverse range of news media from around the world.

The New Standard
The New Standard is a unique, independent hard news website. Dedicated to current events reporting and investigative journalism, TNS provides up-to-date news from a journalistic perspective that emphasizes the public interest. TNS is a reader-funded publication — that is what makes it truly independent. Because it receives no funding from government, corporate or foundation sources, TNS remains free from outside pressures and accountable to its readership.

Non-Violence Help
This site draws together some of the available on-line resources on the history, theory and practice of nonviolence. It is both an introduction to nonviolent social change and a resource for trainers and activists.

Open Democracy
An independent, not-for-profit magazine dedicated to free dialogue across the globe about the major issues in the world today.

People and Planet
UK student action on world poverty, human rights and the environment.

Private Planet
Excerpts from David Cromwell’s book Private Planet: Corporate Plunder and the Fight Back (Jon Carpenter, Charlbury, 2001).

PR Watch
Investigative reporting on the Public Relations industry

Relief Web
ReliefWeb is the world’s leading on-line gateway to information (documents and maps) on humanitarian emergencies and disasters. An independent vehicle of information, designed specifically to assist the international humanitarian community in effective delivery of emergency assistance, it provides timely, reliable and relevant information as events unfold, while emphasizing the coverage of ‘forgotten emergencies’ at the same time.ReliefWeb was launched in October 1996 and is administered by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Jeff Rense
Web site of the Jeff Rense Program – the US radio show

Resist is a not for profit entity whose aim is to help facilitate some form of non-violent resistance to the growing neo-conservative empire.

Andy Rowell
Articles by campaigning journalist Andy Rowell, author of Green Backlash, who has had many stories published in newspapers and magazine across the world.

The weekly newsletter from Justice? – Brighton’s Direct Action collective

Scientists for Global Responsibility
SGR promotes the ethical practice and use of science and technology. We develop and support initiatives which make science more open, accountable and democratic. Our work involves research, education, lobbying and providing a support network for ethically-concerned scientists. Links to Science and Ethics related web sites and organizations.

SpinWatch exists to provide public interest research and reporting on corporate and government public relations and propaganda. Spin techniques are much more extensive than is generally realised, encompassing media management, lobbying, corporate social responsibility, investor relations and corporate dirty tricks and spying. We aim to foster greater public and political awareness of spin and to campaign against the manipulations of the PR industry in the public interest.

SQUALL Magazine Online is a forum for radical quality journalism and photography. It presents accessible and factually reliable investigations into issues which the mainstream media dare not touch.

Take Back The Media
“The US media has abandoned their responsibility to the country. The view that gets advanced is no longer the view of the ‘little guy’ – it’s the view of ownership, of top management, of major corporations. Editorial decisions are made with one eye on the political slant that will best benefit the company, and one eye on the bottom line. The corporate view is tainted, in that it looks for the best way to advance the corporation’s financial interests. The result is this – instead of behaving as the Watchdog of Democracy, the media has become the Lapdog of government.”

Union of Concerned Scientists
Citizens and scientists for environmental solutions.

UN Observer
An independent journal of international affairs.

The Voice
“Britain’s best black paper” – coverage of a wide range of stories from a black perspective.

Voices in the Wilderness (UK)
Voices in the Wilderness has been campaigning – both here and in the US – against US/UK policy towards Iraq since the mid-nineties. First, against the economic sanctions and US/UK military strikes on Iraq and, more recently, against the invasion of Iraq.

War In Context
Alternative perspectives on the ‘War on Terrorism’ and the Middle East conflict.

The White House
“One of the best satirical web sites on the planet.”

World Socialist Web Site
The World Socialist Web Site is the Internet center of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI). It provides analysis of major world events, comments on political, cultural, historical and philosophical issues, and valuable documents and studies from the heritage of the socialist movement.

Brian S. Wilson
Writings by peace activist Brian S. Willson, a former United States Air Force officer who served in Vietnam.

Z Magazine’s web site: an independent political magazine of critical thinking on political, cultural, social, and economic life in the United States and around the globe.

Best Independent & Alternative News Sites

CounterPunch - GO - political insights & high quality independent journalism from the progressive front.

- GO - community of advocates, alternative thinkers & independent writers.

Project Censored
- GO - revealing the Top 10 most censored stories in the mainstream media. Sensational stuff & essential reading from Sonoma University.

Global Issues - GO - exploring the causes of social dysfunction in the world.

YellowTimes.org - GO - alternative news & views on social progress in the world.

Fair.org - GO - devoted to fairness & accuracy in reporting.

MediaLens - GO - independent news service correcting the distorted views of mainstream media.

Media Watch - GO - media literacy through education & action.


Cursor.org - GO - broader views on the news from this group educating the public on the relationship between media & society.

Journalism.org - GO - examining the status quo of the US news media.

Pew Research Center - GO - public opinion research investigating global trends in social attitudes.

MediaChannel .org
- GO - the global network for Democratic media.

CommonDreams - GO - news & views for the progressive commmunity.

rabble.ca - GO - features some of the best progressive writers in Canada.

Best Magazines

 From India:

 Markazi Maktaba Islami Publishers

Geeturai Weekly

A weekly magazine in Telugu language, published by Telugu Islamic Publications, that is working for the cause of Islam and for the advancement of Dawah work.

Radiance Viewsweekly, New Delhi

This is an e-copy of Radiance Views Weekly published from New Delhi. This site also provides an archive service for the past issues of the magazine in the current year.
Hindi Translation of the Holy Quran

Hindi translation of the Quran with Arabic text is available on this site. The translation has been done by Maulana Farooq Khan and Dr. Mohd. Ahmed. Besides providing index on different subjects’ the authors have described important terminologies of the Quran in a lucid Hindi language.

 Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine

The Milli Gazette  - Indian Muslim News

(Fortnightly Newspaper with both print and online editions)

रफ़ीक-ए-मंजिल युवा चेतना व संकल्प का प्रतीक

Working for a Revolutionary Change in Students


(source : http://www.world-newspapers.com/islam-magazines.html) 


Daily news and comment from the site affiliated with Hizb ut-Tahrir Islamic Party.

Journal of Islamic studies.

Quarterly journal of Islamic thought and culture.
American Muslim 360

Writen news and radio channel about Islam and being Muslim in America.

Magazine "that reflects the experiences and perspectives of Muslim women living in North American society".
Daily Muslims

Muslim America's first daily newspaper online.

Magazine focuses on lifestyle from a Muslim perspective, covering everything from news and views, fashion to finance, food to gardens, education to health and a whole section dedicated to the real life stories of day to day Muslims.

Website "intends to provide continuous information and analysis on the most important cultural and religious change that Western Europe is experiencing".
Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain

Site of Islamic political party seeking to establish the Caliphate (Khilafah).
Illume Media

Provides access to Islamic resources including scholarly articles, commentaries on current affairs and coverage of community events in various regions.

Site has been established with the aim to teach, propagate and expound Islamic thought under the three categories of beliefs, politics and social science.
International Islamic News Agency (IINA)

News about the Muslim world, minorities and communities in various fields, including religion, education, culture, charity and dawa.
Islam Tribune

Online magazine published in the United States of America, offering: world news and Muslims' views.
Islamic Human Rights Commission

Provides information about human rights abuses in Muslim countries and in the West.
Islamic Voice

Magazine features Quran and modern science, guide to holistic wellbeing following Islamic teachings, Islam and comparative religions, more.
Islamic Times

Muslim newspaper reflecting the culture, lifestyle and success of British Muslims.

Interactive publication focusing upon providing news and commentary on issues and events of importance to Muslims.
Kavkaz Center

International news agency covering events in the Islamic world, Chechnya and Russia.
Muslim Journal

Weekly publications for Muslim Americans. Needs a subscription.
Muslim News

Monthly newspaper providing news and views of Muslims in the United Kingdom.

Monthly journal "promoting research and original thinking in the light of the original sources of Islam".

Magazine for Muslim women, providing inspiration for an Islamic life from deen and tarbiyah to food and fashion.
Southern California InFocus

Muslim newspaper in California providing news and views from an American Muslim perspective.

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